Sunday, January 9, 2011

Zumba® at Salsa Caliente Studio

One of my favorite classes to teach is at a new dance studio in town called Caliente Arts Center/Salsa Caliente Studio.  This class is held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 - 6:30 pm.  The studio is located at 1500 E. Park Ave in the shopping center close to the intersection of Park Ave and Forrest St.  We get a killer workout during every single class.  I include a five minute warm up to really get your blood pumping and your muscles primed for exercise, followed by 45 minutes of intense interval cardio, and then a toning song that leaves participants' muscles screaming!  The rest of the hour is devoted to slowly decreasing heart rate and stretching.  We get so wild in this class, we often fog up the mirrors, although the temperature is below 70 degrees!  The flooring in the studio is specifically designed for dancing and turning, so I suggest wearing shoes with non-slip soles.  The sound system is amazing, with speakers in both the front and back.  The cost for this class is $7 per visit or $50 for a 10 class punch card.  Join our fitness party anytime!

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