Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fitness tip of the week: Interval training

What's the best way to burn huge amounts of calories in a relatively short period of time, improve athletic performance, increase your aerobic capicity and cardiovascular fitness, and keep your workouts from getting boring?  Interval training!  It is defined as bursts of extremely high intensity exercise coupled with periods of lower intensity, or recovery.  In my opinion, it is the best and easiest way to burn fat quickly.  Performing this kind of exercise also revs up your body's production of endorphins, the stimulants that produce "runner's high", and it can also suppress the stress hormone cortisol.  Another great benefit to interval training is that results can often be seen in just a few weeks, according to an article in the New York Times:

Anyone can perform this type of exercise.  If you're just starting a fitness program, begin with walking, and add short periods of speed walking or light jogging.  Start off with just 30 seconds of higher intensity exercise, and build up to a minute or longer.  This can also be done in a fitness club with an elliptical machine or stationary bike if you're concerned about impact.  If you've been working out for a while, you can take your workout to the next level by adding sprints, jumping rope, or even plyometrics, like box jumps or burpees.  Some of my personal favorite high intensity workouts are performed at a gym on a stairmaster or a treadmill.  I like to set an interval program on a stepping machine, where I go as hard as I can for a minute, and then recover for a minute.  Sometimes I put a treadmill on the highest incline and alternate running and walking in one minute intervals.  I design my Zumba classes interval style as well.  I'll put a seriously challenging song immediately before a slower recovery song so participants will have a chance to let their breathing return to normal after giving their all.

One of the problems with this type of exercise is personal motivation.  Interval training is difficult, and it's not easy to make yourself work out as hard as you can, even for a short amount of time, but the largest improvements in your fitness and athletic ability will be attained with "all out" exercise.  I've discovered that the best solution is to find some music that really gets you pumped!  High energy dance music, hip hop, rap, punk,or metal can motivate you to push yourself harder.  Hiring a personal trainer or attending a group exercise class is also a great way to step it up.  Whatever your fitness goals, interval training will help you get there faster!

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