Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hire a Personal Trainer?

Most people desire to become healthier, more physically fit, and better at sports or other physical activities. When walking into a fitness facility for the first time, you may feel a little overwhelmed. Where do you start?  How do you use all this equipment properly, and most of all, how can you reach your own fitness goals using all this stuff?  Hiring a personal trainer can help you use your time in the gym wisely and effectively, but is it really worth the money?  A good trainer will help you attain your goals, and show you how to make lifestyle changes that you can use to maintain your fitness and health for the rest of your life.

When I begin training a new client, I first assess her goals and find out exactly what she wants to accomplish. Does she need to lose weight, tone up, build muscle, or become a better athlete?  Then I administer tests to determine current fitness levels. I may measure the circumference of various body parts, give cardiovascular or strength tests, or even have a client perform skill drills to give me an idea of where to start.  Depending on the client, there is usually enough time in that first session to get the client started in a workout tailored to her needs. I try to get to know my clients and find out their likes and dislikes so that I can help them find exercises they will enjoy, and be more likely to continue after our sessions have ceased.

I create a specific exercise prescription and workout regimen designed for each individual client. The exercises I prescribe to someone who wants to run a marathon will be very different from someone who wants to get a tight and toned physique. I believe each situation is unique, and I get excited at the opportunity to help clients achieve their goals. Hiring a personal trainer can be a life changing experience, and I am honored to have a part in helping clients be all that they can be.

Why do you need to hire a trainer?  Can't you learn from watching others and reading informative literature on exercise?  A qualified personal trainer can make sure that you are performing each exercise with proper form and technique. Safety is our first concern.  Your trainer can help you push yourself beyond your comfort level to gain results faster and more easily.  An educated and experienced trainer knows more about the human body than the average person, and can use that knowledge to develop an exercise program that will help you get where you want to be quickly and efficiently.  You will also get motivation and accountability from your trainer. You are more likely to make it to the gym when someone is waiting on you, urging you to improve your fitness.  If you're interested in my services, please take a look at the Personal Training tab at the top of this page, or contact me for additional information.

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