Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Metro Dash!

My workouts never get too stale because I love to challenge myself by trying new things. The world of fitness is ever changing, and I enjoy keeping up with current trends. Over just the past year, I have competed in both a Warrior Dash and a Tough Mudder race, attended a TRX Suspension Training workshop and HOT HULA® fitness instructor training, as well as attended a myriad Zumba® instructor workshops and master classes. My most recent fascination is the Metro Dash, and I am registered to attempt it March 17th in Atlanta.

The Metro Dash is an obstacle course race created by Navy Seals, and packed into an area the size of a football field. It requires sprinting 600 yards with climbing, crawling, pulling, pushing, and carrying heavy things. It is not an endurance race, but a full on test of strength and power! The average competitor finishes the race in about 15 minutes, and if a participant is unable to complete an obstacle, he or she is penalized with 20 burpees, which must be completed before joining back into the race.

Although I work out regularly, I started training specifically for this competition last week. One day I went to the park and climbed up and down the climbing wall and monkey bars, then flipped heavy tractor tires and jumped hurdles. Another day I pulled and pushed tires with weights in them to simulate a weight sled, and then carried heavy dumbbells around the gym on my shoulders.

Today I went to an old school with lots of monkey bars. I crossed them several times, until the rusty, unmaintained bars pulled a callous from my hand. I don't wear weightlifting gloves because, during my powerlifting days around 10 years ago, we used chalk to help us grip the bar, especially when deadlifting, and I never got into the habit of wearing them. I feel that I get a better grip without them, although they do protect the skin.

Competing in races gives me a goal to accomplish, and makes my workouts seem like they mean more than just a regular routine. I get fired up over new challenges, and I feel like participating in different kinds of workouts improves my overall fitness level. I will be posting lots of pictures after completing the Metro Dash on March 17th so stay tuned!

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