Friday, February 3, 2012

21 Day Yoga Challenge Conclusion

For the past three weeks, I have been participating in Yoga Journal's 21 Day Yoga Challenge. I made a commitment to complete a yoga practice every single day for 21 days. The first two weeks, I was faithful about doing it daily, but I honestly slipped a little the last week.

Upon registration, I received an email that stated I would receive a link to a yoga video by email every morning for the duration of the challenge. Perhaps due to technical difficulties, I did not receive a video for three days in a row, and I just plain forgot to do it on those days, and that led to getting out of the habit. I could have logged in to the Yoga Journal website and made the effort to find the day's video (I discovered this later) but I got sidetracked and never did it.

I completed the same challenge last year, and I'm almost 100% sure that I received a video link every day for 21 days. I think it may have gotten quite a bit more popular this year, resulting in some technological problems. I can't complain too much because the whole thing is completely free!

I learned a lot, and was able to get back into the habit of practicing regularly. I thoroughly enjoyed all the videos. I was very, very impressed with one of the instructors. Elise Lorimer rocks! I love the way she tells you exactly what to do with every part of your body during each pose. She uses extremely descriptive language and her cute "uh-huhs" make practice more enjoyable. I searched online for a DVD of her classes, but I don't think she has one. I was able to find some good YouTube videos though. I will definitely be doing those at home in the future.

Although I wasn't completely successful at practicing every day for 21 days, I was able to become more mindful of my body, and even increase my flexibility a little. The best part was inspiring other people to practice. My sister Rebecca has now added a daily yoga practice including meditition to her routine, and this 21 Day Challange was a catalyst to that. Please let me know if this challenge has motivated you to practice regularly as well!

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