Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bring on the TRX!

I took the TRX suspension training workshop over the weekend, and I am extremely excited about it! It really is an amazing product. I can't wait to use it on my personal training clients! I have no doubt that it will help them on their fitness journeys. For a detailed description and background on the TRX, please visit trxtraining.com.

Four other trainers from Anytime Fitness 5 points and I went to Orlando to take the training course offered by TRX to teach us how to use the equipment safely and effectively. The gym is currently adding a group fitness room, and it should be ready to hold classes by September. No other facility in Valdosta offers TRX classes, and we are all eager to get it started.

During the workshop, our TRX education specialist, Jules Benson, first went over the mechanics of the TRX suspension trainer, and demonstrated proper ways to anchor and adjust it. Each participant had a chance to practice shortening and lengthening it, and making sure it was securely fastened. Then, everyone got a chance to experience a short workout Ms. Benson created for us. I was pouring sweat after only a few minutes! My core was worked from every angle, and I got a serious pump in every muscle. I was amazed at what an awesome workout I was able to get on it in a very short time!

Each student received a TRX manual filled with explanations of dozens of exercises you can do with the TRX suspension trainer. Everyone was able to practice adjusting it for each exercise, and got to try out all of the movements. Ms. Benson kept a close eye to ensure everyone was executing the exercises properly. We learned ways to modify them for the needs of different clients, and how to increase and decrease resistance. The suspension trainer can be used to improve both muscular strength and endurance, as well as flexibility, balance, and coordination.

The last activity we performed during the training course was developing exercise prescriptions using the TRX suspension trainer. All the workshop participants were divided into groups, and each group was given a scenario. All the cases were different, and we had to select a series of exercises appropriate for the fitness goals of each imaginary client. This was very specific as to what we, as personal trainers, will be doing with the suspension trainers in our daily routines.

After completing the training course, I feel confident that I can use the TRX suspension trainer to effectively train my clients. I am anxious to start using it for my own workouts as well!

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