Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bring on the TRX!

I took the TRX suspension training workshop over the weekend, and I am extremely excited about it! It really is an amazing product. I can't wait to use it on my personal training clients! I have no doubt that it will help them on their fitness journeys. For a detailed description and background on the TRX, please visit trxtraining.com.

Four other trainers from Anytime Fitness 5 points and I went to Orlando to take the training course offered by TRX to teach us how to use the equipment safely and effectively. The gym is currently adding a group fitness room, and it should be ready to hold classes by September. No other facility in Valdosta offers TRX classes, and we are all eager to get it started.

During the workshop, our TRX education specialist, Jules Benson, first went over the mechanics of the TRX suspension trainer, and demonstrated proper ways to anchor and adjust it. Each participant had a chance to practice shortening and lengthening it, and making sure it was securely fastened. Then, everyone got a chance to experience a short workout Ms. Benson created for us. I was pouring sweat after only a few minutes! My core was worked from every angle, and I got a serious pump in every muscle. I was amazed at what an awesome workout I was able to get on it in a very short time!

Each student received a TRX manual filled with explanations of dozens of exercises you can do with the TRX suspension trainer. Everyone was able to practice adjusting it for each exercise, and got to try out all of the movements. Ms. Benson kept a close eye to ensure everyone was executing the exercises properly. We learned ways to modify them for the needs of different clients, and how to increase and decrease resistance. The suspension trainer can be used to improve both muscular strength and endurance, as well as flexibility, balance, and coordination.

The last activity we performed during the training course was developing exercise prescriptions using the TRX suspension trainer. All the workshop participants were divided into groups, and each group was given a scenario. All the cases were different, and we had to select a series of exercises appropriate for the fitness goals of each imaginary client. This was very specific as to what we, as personal trainers, will be doing with the suspension trainers in our daily routines.

After completing the training course, I feel confident that I can use the TRX suspension trainer to effectively train my clients. I am anxious to start using it for my own workouts as well!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Public Health Awareness Day

This morning, I got the chance to spread even more Zumba® Love! I participated in the South Health District's Public Health Awareness Day at Southeast Elementary School. They provided many free health screenings such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and body fat tests. There were all sorts of health and wellness related booths spread throughout the gymnasium, and spilling into the classrooms and even into Scott Park across the street. Some included a chiropractor, a Red Cross blood drive, many participants from South Georgia Medical Center and the Health Department, and even a bounce house and face painting for kids. One of my regular class participants, Ms Sherri Strayhorn, got her free screenings done, and had optimal results on everything! That is proof that Zumba® can definitely improve your health!

I had a classroom reserved just for mini Zumba® classes. I had many participants come by to try out the dance fitness craze. At one point, the room was completely packed! Children and adults of all ages and fitness levels were getting down with some Zumba moves all morning long! A photographer came in and shot some pictures of our little fitness party, so hopefully, Zumba® will make the newspaper again. I was honored to have a chance to participate in Public Health Awareness Day!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Holidays

I very rarely cancel any Zumba classes or personal training sessions. I truly love my job, and enjoy each and every day I work, but there are a few dates in July that I won't be able to hold classes. They all fall within the same week, so that will be the perfect opportunity for my faithful students to take a break!

There will be no Zumba or Zumba in the Circuit classes at Curves on Monday July 4th. Tuesday we will have classes as normal, Wednesday morning, July 6th, I will still teach Zumba in the Circuit classes at Curves, but there will be no Zumba Toning that afternoon. All classes on Thursday and Friday, July 7th and 8th, will be canceled because I will be at the 2011 Zumba Instructor Convention!

I am hoping to learn a lot of new moves, and acquire some new music to really get my students moving! I rarely get a chance to go to other instructor's classes, so I am extremely excited to see what is in store for us! I always have room for improvement. I would love to be an even more effective instructor and trainer for the benefit of my clients and class participants!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What Am I Going to Wear?

To be able to move freely during your workout, you need to be dressed comfortably. I get asked on a daily basis what kind of clothing is best to wear to Zumba classes. There are many choices when it comes to workout shoes and clothes, so I will give my recommendations.

If you participate in high impact activities, then you know the importance of a good pair of shoes. I prefer cross-trainers for Zumba because they are designed to provide support during lateral movement. We do lots of side to side and pivoting moves during class. Running shoes are made to absorb impact from the front rather than the side, so they're not the best choice for Zumba. I also strongly discourage you from wearing toning shoes with platform-type bottoms to my class. They are meant for walking or standing, and certainly not for aerobics. It would be very easy to twist an ankle or trip over the soles and injure yourself wearing them.

Through my experience, Nike seems to be the best brand of shoes I have been able to find. I have tried Ryka's aerobic dance shoes, and even Zumba shoes, but they haven't been very durable or long-lasting. I currently have Nike Zooms, and they're awesome. I have also used Nike indoor soccer shoes and 6.0 skateboarding shoes that were great. I prefer shoes made from leather or mesh, as suede and some man-made materials don't let your feet breathe enough. I wear custom orthotics in every pair of sneakers because of the natural stress aerobics put on my body, and they keep my feet free of pain associated with impact and pronation.

Another important article of workout clothing for women is a good sports bra. A lot of the steps in Zumba are "bouncy", even some of those that aren't high impact. I like Danskin high impact pullover bras on the low end of the price spectrum, but I prefer Nike or Reebok, and Old Navy's are a good choice as well. The elasticity usually wears out in a sports bra after a few months of frequent use, so they will need to be replaced quite often.

I like to wear Zumbawear from head to toe, not only to promote my classes, but because they are specifically designed for Zumba, and are very comfortable and stylish. The cargoes are lightweight and durable, and the tops stay in place through all the reaching, bending, and twisting I do in class. Plus, they feature all the bright colors I love to wear! I always keep a supply of Zumbawear in the trunk of my car if you are interested in purchasing any.

The best way to dress to come to a Zumba class is any way that you are most comfortable. I would suggest good quality shoes and a supportive sports bra to keep you safe and free to move as you like.