Monday, May 9, 2011

Exercise in the Morning?

We all know that exercise has tremendous health and weight loss benefits, but sometimes it's just hard to get motivated to work out.  One of the best ways to ensure that you have the time and energy for exercise is to get it over with early in the morning.  Is it surprising to hear that 90% of people who exercise consistently for the long haul do so in the earlier hours of the day?

There are many benefits to a morning workout.  It improves the quality of sleep you get at night, which in turn can promote weight loss.  Exercise speeds up your metabolism for hours afterwards, so you burn more calories just going about your daily routine.  It also increases mental sharpness and energy levels so you are more productive during the day. 

Many people have all intentions of exercising in the afternoons, but often life gets in the way.  That gym bag packed with workout clothes has been hanging out in the back seat of your car for days because something has come up every afternoon that prevents you from squeezing in a workout.  One way to combat this is to get your exercising done in the morning.

In order to exercise consistently, you need to find a workout that you enjoy enough to keep you coming back.  I have found that in Zumba® and I want to share it with you!  I offer the effective, easy-to-follow, calorie-burning dance party every Tuesday and Thursday morning at at Salsa Caliente Studio at
1500 E. Park Avenue
in Valdosta. We get a killer workout and have a blast during every class!  The regular price is $7 per class or $50 for a 10 class punch card good for 90 days.  For this week only, May 10 and 12, you can try out the class for just $3!  If it's your first time, just let me know when you come in that you saw it in my blog, and you can join us for over half off! 

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