Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Journey Into Becoming a Fitness Professional

In 2000, I developed a passion, some may say obsession, for fitness. I had gained quite a bit of weight after high school, and I started working out as a way to lose weight and get healthier. I became addicted to the gym. Exercising was the highlight of my day, every day!

After reaching my weight loss goals, I decided I wanted to learn more, and I hired a personal trainer. My trainer, Alex, introduced me to new resistance training concepts and pushed me to my physical limits. I loved it. I was so inspired by my training sessions that I decided I wanted to become a trainer one day as well.

I was in college, but hadn't decided on a major yet. I chose Sports Medicine, but later changed it to Exercise Science. I wanted to make working out and helping others reach their fitness goals a part of my life forever.

I volunteered in the Valdosta State University Weight Room, and was mentored by Coach Michael Doscher, the Strength and Conditioning Coach. He recommended that I pursue a certification by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the only accredited certification in the field. I took his advice and got the study materials.

As a senior in college, I got a job as an student assistant in the VSU Fitness Center. Along with another student, I taught a basic physical fitness class to freshman and sophomores. I was able to gain lots of experience helping others while still in school. I was also competing in powerlifting competitions, and trained at four different facilities with different people. I was so eager to learn everything I could from as many people as possible.

I registered to take the certification exams for the NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. It requires a four year degree in a health science field, so I would have to wait until after graduation to receive my certification. This title requires individuals to be extremely knowledgeable in human anatomy and physiology, exercise testing and prescription, considerations for special populations, as well as be familiar with how to train athletes to be better at sports performance. I studied more than I have ever studied for anything, and I was super nervous. It was more difficult than I imagined, but I passed!

I received my certification in 2004 while completing an internship at Dekalb Medical Center Wellness Center in Atlanta. I got a few clients through the Wellness Center, and worked hard to try to give them appropriate programs.

After my internship, I stayed at the Wellness Center for a few more months to get more experience. I trained a few people and taught some group fitness classes, but then life got in the way of my career for a couple of years. I got married and had a baby, moved back to my hometown, and then got divorced not long after.

I gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant, even though I worked out until right before I gave birth to my son. I was eating a lot, and only exercising about 45 minutes a day. After tipping the scales at 237 right after my son was born, I decided I had to do something about my weight. Who was going to take an overweight fitness professional seriously?

I got serious about my diet again, and created a weight loss workout plan for myself. Over the course of about a year I lost around 80 pounds, and I finally had my athletic physique back!

I was ready to jump back into my career, but wasn't sure of how to get clients. I thought I should I have gone to school for marketing instead of Exercise Science. I started hanging out a the gym as often as possible, and throwing myself into my workouts.

Then, in 2008, I discovered Zumba® Fitness. I had always loved world music, dancing, and culture. It was a perfect fit for me! I started doing the DVDs every day, and got hooked. After a few months, I wanted more Zumba® than just videos, but there were no live classes in my area. I decided to take an instructor training workshop, which turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I started teaching Zumba® not long after, and then my career took off. I had students who were looking for a personal trainer, and I started getting more and more business. I worked a regular job during the day, and trained clients and taught classes early in the morning and after work.

My clients started getting results and telling thir friends. Word spread about how my Zumba® students enjoyed classes, and my business grew and grew. In January 2011 I was able to quit my day job for full time fitness!

I have to give credit to my son's awesome babysitter, who kept him at odd times so that I could build clientele. I used to have a client at 4:30 am, and she was willing to take him, still sleeping, at 4:00 am! Sometimes it was after 8:00 pm before I was able to pick him up in the evenings as well. I am truly grateful that I had so much dependable help caring for my son.

Now my days are a little more normal, and I am able to make my own schedule. I can participate in school activities with my son, as well as take off work whenever I need to. I am incredibly blessed to have a job that I love that pays the bills.